There are many creative ways to support the Comparative Cancer Biology Training Program.
Our work depends, in large part, on private donations from people just like you. Friends from all over the country have become our partners in funding many of our programs - programs that could not continue without their support. You, too, can help by making a tax-deductible donation today!
How to make a gift: |
Use the University's secure website. Select "Other" under Step 1 and indicate Comparative Cancer Biology Program |
By Mail:
When making a gift please note the following on your check:
Comparative Cancer Biology Program
Please make checks payable to Cornell University and send to:
Cornell University
POB 25842
Lehigh Valley, PA 18003-9692
By Credit Card:
To charge your gift using Visa, MasterCard or American Express, call us at 1-607-253-3745.
Gifts of securities or other appreciated assets:
Please contact Cornell's Office of Trusts, Estates, and Planned Giving at 1-800-377-2177.
Gift Planning:
To explore options for integrating your giving into your overall financial plans, please visit Cornell's Gift Planning web site or contact the Office of Gift Planning at 1-800-481-1865.
For more information, call us at 1-607-253-3302. Thank you for considering a gift to the Comparative Cancer Biology Training Program.
The Comparative Cancer Biology Program at Cornell University is a new initiative supported by the College
of Veterinary Medicine to establish comprehensive interdisciplinary training and facilitate rigorous hypothesis-driven research in comparative cancer biology. The program brings together clinical and basic scientists at
the College of Veterinary Medicine and promotes synergistic interactions with other investigators throughout
Cornell University. Currently, the program supports the research activities of several graduate students,
postdoctoral fellows, and veterinary residents through competitive training awards. The program also sponsors
a University-wide cancer symposium, College-wide mini-seminar series in cancer biology and an annual
retreat. |