Cornell University Cornell University
College of Veterinary Medicine
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Johns Hopkins PSOC Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Johns Hopkins PSOC requests applications for summer undergraduate exchange. They are hosting a 10 week exchange on their campus over the summer. Undergraduates will perform research in partner labs with the intentions of establishing future collaborations.


Please visit Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine Funding Opportunities

No available positions at this time.

aboutprog   eradicate
aboutUSThe Comparative Cancer Biology Program at Cornell University is a new initiative supported by the College of Veterinary Medicine to establish comprehensive interdisciplinary training and facilitate rigorous hypothesis-driven research in comparative cancer biology. The program brings together clinical and basic scientists at the College of Veterinary Medicine and promotes synergistic interactions with other investigators throughout Cornell University. Currently, the program supports the research activities of several graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and veterinary residents through competitive training awards. The program also sponsors a University-wide cancer symposium, College-wide mini-seminar series in cancer biology and an annual retreat.

© 2011 Comparative Cancer Biology Program
T2006 Veterinary Research Tower, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-6401. | Phone: (607)253-3335

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College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University Cornell University